Thursday, February 1, 2007


This is the official photo from a "Guitar Weekend" I went to in November of last year. It was a sort of birthday present I gave myself. I'm seated at the right end of the front row. Visitors from my regular blog (Love During Wartime) might recognize my snap-brim cap.

It was a refreshing time. At minimum, taking a day off from work did me a lot of good. Certainly should consider doing more of that this coming year.

Speaking of breaks, I will be out of pocket Saturday and Sunday. Whether I post a single "wrap-up" entry, or a separate entry for each day, remains to be seen. I am going to a "Nurturing Weekend" at the same place pictured here. The weekend is sponsored by the Episcopal Diocese for Sunday School teachers from around Okla.

I expect to come back with at least a few photographs.

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