What is it? Answer tomorrow.
A year in the life.
I am aware of one other person who has been interviewed twice. Ironically, this person is the son of a friend of mine. The young man is fresh out of college; he's graduated, so he has that going for him.
On the other hand, I have five years of experience doing the basic things the job calls for.
The interviewer said he expects to make a final decision by the middle of this month (Mar). The Staff Asst is a friend of mine, and thinks she will know how good my chances are by this Fri (tomorrow). I'll certainly keep you posted.
Two people sent recommendations via e-mail, and blind copied me. I felt like Huck or Tom, eavesdropping at my own funeral. One is a Professor in the relevant dept, and I hope that will give me extra points. The other was my supervisor in the position I held previous to my current one, and he also had glowing words.
I have chosen not to talk to my current supervisor until things seem more certain. If I'm not in the running, or offered the position, no harm. If my friend in the other department reports I'm in the top five (or equivalent), that's the point it seems appropriate to talk to my current supervisor.
After the interview, I was exhausted. I was keyed up last week about a grant deadline, and keyed up this week by the possibility of positive change. Consequently, have not had a restful sleep in a little over a week.
The church has mid-week programs during Lent. Evening Prayer at 5:30, dinner at 6 (last night it was a soup buffet), a brief presentation, then the choice of 3-4 small groups.
I did attend one of the small groups, but recognized I was getting tired a little before 8, and sneaked out. I changed into lounge once I got home, and promptly fell asleep on the couch. Woke up enough to watch most of "Lost", then went to bed and went back to sleep.