Tuesday, May 15, 2007


I've never asked, but I've always been curious about this area, immediately east of Brother Dave's drive. The bird bath often has a hose in it, to insure fresh running water. Not sure what a penguin is doing in the Texas Hill Country, but he looks fairly comfortable.
Brother Dave explains: "In Austin there is a large garden store located on a busy intersection of one of the major north-south freeways - MoPac. The store has a steep hill on the side of the property facing the roadway. Routinely, that hill is decorated with pink flamingo lawn ornaments of various sizes. However, one day as Linda and I drove past we noted that, for no obvious reason, the pink birds had been completely overtaken by penguins. Again, for no obvious reason, we were compelled to make an unplanned stop and purchase. Because we wanted the little guy to feel as at home as a penguin can in the scorching Texas Hill Country, we placed him next to the bird bath (currently awaiting hose repair) under the shade of the large live oak. He/she seems quite content, having stayed in that spot for some 8 or 9 years now."

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